Asnaf Al-Barakh

Asnaf Al-Barakh charity house The Telok Datok Banting series house was set up on 1st. January 2010 under the management of Asnaf Al-Barakh Care Center (007898430-K). It is also in the process of registration with the Department of Social Welfare to obtain approval to become a qualified care center in accordance with the provisions under the Career Act of 1993. This house was established due to the concern of the Asnaf Al-barakh (0410-11-WKL) Welfare Organization against several children which are only guarded by a single mother. The 15 children at the time were more agitated when the 2010 session of the school was just a few days away. While they cannot afford to buy all the schooling needs like school clothes and shoes, let's just spend money on buying books they do not have. At this time the Asnaf Al-barakh Care Center was called upon to help. A home can be rented by a 2-year agreement as a shelter for the children. With that, a house named Asnaf Al-Barakh Housing is located at No. 57, Jalan Cambodia, Taman Seri, Telok Datok Banting. At home this is the shelter of 30 children from various classes. They consist of orphans, muallaf children and poor people. From then on, the Asnaf Al-Barakh Care Center, try our best to provide the perfect infrastructure for life and education for these children.